

depreciation revenue method depreciation salvage value depreciation service capacity method depreciation service output method depreciation sinking fund method
depreciation straight line depreciation straight line method depreciation sum of expected life method depreciation uniformity varying amounts method depreciation unit
depreciation unit cost method depreciation unit method depreciation unit of output method depreciationunit of product method depreciation working hour method
depreciative rate depress domestic demand depressed area depressed market depression
depression of business depression of order deprivation of farmers depth coefficient depth interview
depth interviewing depth of the market deputy deputy consul(DC) =deputy consul 副领事
deputy general manager deputyresident representative DEQ derate derated standard level
deration deregenerative feedback deregister deregister a vessel deregistration of ship
deregulate prices deregulation derelict dereliction of duty derequisition
derivate derivative derivative demand derivative deposits derivative discontinuity
derivative free method derivative of high order derivative revenue derived data derived demand deposit
derived deposits derived distribution derived equation derived indexes derived sequence
derived statistics derived value dervied demand DES desalination of sea water
descending descending conversion descending order descent describing function method
description descriptionof goods description of job description of materials description of products
description of territory description science descriptive billing descriptive catalog descriptive decision making
descriptive economics descriptive financial statement descriptive index descriptive item descriptive label
descriptive labeling descriptive labelling descriptive model descriptive programming descriptive series
descriptive statistics descriptive survey deseasonalization deseasonalized series desertification
design design accuracy design activity designated bank designated capacity
designated customers designated heir designated items designated price designated productive capacity
designated project designated successor designated value designation of banks design automation (DA)
design calculation design center design chart design control design costs
design criteria design cycle design department design diagram design drawing
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