

按行政系统、行政区划 按要素核算的成本会计 按规定日期付款汇票 按规格改制 按规模大小分类
按规模大小分组 按订单 按订正费率计算 按说明书采购 按负担能力课税说
按货样 按贵方价格 按费用项目性质分析 按过程分类 按运费定价
absolute order to pay absolute overpopulation absolute overproduction absolute ownership absolute par
absolute par of exchange absolute pauperization absolute periodic movement absolute price absolute priority
absolute probability absolute profit absolute promise to pay absolute quantity of moral depreciation absolute quota
absolute rent absolute sale absolute sales absolute scarcity absolute seasonal fluctuation
absolute sensitivity absolute stability absolute standard of living absolute surplus value absolute title
absolute total loss absolute utility absolute value absolute value error absolute wage cost
absolute wages absolute warranty of seaworthiness absolute weight absolve absorb
absorbability of enterprises absorb currency absorbed burden absorbed cost absorbed declination
absorbed expenses absorbed overhead absorbed overhead costs absorb foreign capital absorb idle funds
absorbing Markov chain absorbing region absorbing state absorb more labor power absorption account
absorption approach absorption cost absorption costing absorption costing basis absorption distribution
absorption of corporate bonds absorption of idle capacity absorption of labor power absorption of market absorption of surplus funds
absorption power absorption rate absorption state absorptive capacity absorptive capacity for external assistance
abs. sta. abstainer abstinence theory abstinence theory of interest abstract account
abstract average abstract book abstract category abstract existence of man as a mere workman abstract invoice
abstraction abstraction of matter abstraction of production in general abstraction of utility abstract labor
abstract labor time abstract ledger abstract mathematical theorizing abstract model abstract number
abstract of account abstract of financial statement abstract of posting abstract of title abstract packing
abstract political economy abstract real field abstracts abstract space =abstract statement摘要表
abstract unit Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) Abu Dhabi Interbank Offered Rate (ADIBOR) Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA OPCO) abundance of capital
abundance of commodity supplies abundance of labor abundant capital abundant proof abuse in the granting of loans
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