

acceptance of promissory notes acceptance of repeating quantities and items acceptance of risk acceptance of single lot acceptance of work
acceptance on security acceptance payable acceptance probability curve acceptance probability per batch acceptance qualified as to place
acceptance qualified as to time acceptance rate acceptance receivable acceptance register acceptance requirement
acceptance sampling acceptance sampling inspection acceptance sampling plan acceptances by other offices acceptance summary report
acceptance supraprotest acceptances with two bank names acceptance test acceptance theory of authority acceptance tolerance
acceptance type financing acceptance value acceptance without inspection accept an order acceptation
accept customers' materials for processing accepted depreciation allowed depreciation and amortization depreciation annuity method
depreciation appropriation method depreciation assets depreciation at market price depreciation base depreciation base value
depreciation changing percentage of cost less scrap method depreciation charge depreciation combined depreciation and upkeepmethod depreciation compensation fund depreciation composite life method
depreciation compound interest method depreciation cost depreciation costs of the means of production depreciation credit depreciation declining balance method
depreciation deduction depreciation diminishing provision method depreciation double declining balance method depreciation during construction depreciation equal annual payment method
depreciation expense depreciation factor depreciation fee from land funds depreciation fifty percent method depreciation fixed installment method
depreciation fixed percentage of cost depreciation fixed percentage of cost method depreciation fixed percentage of diminishing value method depreciation for fractional periods depreciation for plant assets
depreciation fund depreciation funds depreciation funds earmarked for enterprises depreciation funds payable depreciation gross earning method
depreciation insurance method depreciation inventory method depreciation job method depreciation life depreciation life
depreciation life depreciation method of changing percentage of cost less crap depreciation method of changing percentage of cost less scrap depreciation method of double declining balance depreciation method of fixed percentage of cost
depreciation method of fixed percentage of diminishing value depreciation method of percentage of original cost depreciation method of sum of expected life period depreciation method of uniformity varying amount depreciation method of uniformity varying amounts
depreciation of currency depreciation of equipment depreciation of fixed amount depreciation of fixed assets depreciation of machinery
depreciation of monetary standard depreciation of money depreciation of plant equipment depreciation of recapture depreciation of the year
depreciation of value depreciation on franchise depreciation on properties depreciation on replacement value depreciation output method
depreciation percentage of original cost method depreciation privileges depreciation production basis method depreciation production method depreciation program revisions
depreciation proportional method on fixed base depreciation quota depreciation rate depreciation rate calculated according to the classification of fixed assets depreciation rate of fixed assets
depreciation rate of individual fixed assets depreciation ratio depreciation recapture depreciation reducing balance method depreciation reducing installment method
depreciation replacement method depreciation reserve depreciation reserve ratio depreciation reserve ratio test depreciation retirement method
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