

online catalogue online community online update online updating on manual
on margin on-message ono o.n.o on offer
on/off the radar on/off the radar screen on/onto the market on order on paper
on par with sb/sth income and expenditure account income bond income effect income elasticity of demand
income fund income-generating income group income insurance income-orientated
income-oriented income-producing income protection insurance income share incomes policy
income statement income stock income stream income tax income tax bracket
income-tax bracket income tax deduction income tax return incoming incomings
in-company incompatibilities incompatibilities take a hit take an axe to sth/wield the axe
take a punt on sth take a risk take away takeaway take care of sth/sb
take charge (of sth) take delivery of sth take effect take/get a hammering take hold
take-home take home take-home income take-home message take-home pay
take in take issue with sth take it or leave it taken taken
take off take-or-pay takeout take-out financing takeout financing
take over takeover takeover bid takeover code takeover offer
takeover panel take part (in sth) take place taker take sb for a ride
take sb on take sb's side take sb/sth to task (over sth) take sb through sth take sb to court
take sb to the cleaners take some beating take sth away take sth back take sth forward
take sth in take sth off take sth on take sth on board take sth out
take sth private take sth up take stock take the helm take the minutes
take the oath of office take the plunge take the wraps off sth take the/your lumps take time
take-up takeup take your foot off the accelerator takings talent
talented talent management talent pool talk talk business/politics, etc.
talk down to sb talking point talking shop talks talk sb around
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