uk/ˈdʒenərəl/ usincluding a lot of things or subjects rather than being limited to only one or a few:
Only a third of the general population are willing to haggle over the price of something they want to buy.
Market demand for all our products remains strong, reflecting continued growth in the general economy.
Let me describe the finances in general terms without being specific.
used as part of the title of a job of someone who is in charge of all or part of an organization or company:
Mike Black, general manager at the plant, said only a small percentage of the workforce were members of the union.
the General Secretary of the UN
General Director
in general (also as a general rule)
usually, or in most situations:
In general, British management style is known for its individuality.
"Housing as a general rule follows jobs," Terry said.
See also
attorney general
director general