Indicator Statistics used to measure current conditions as well as to forecast financial or economic trends. Indicators are used extensively in technical analysis to predict changes in stock trends or price patterns. In fundamental analysis, economic indicators that quantify current economic and industry conditions are used to provide insight into the future profitability potential of public companies. Investopedia Says: In the context of technical analysis, an indicator is a mathematical calculation based on a securities price and/or volume. The result is used to predict future prices. Common technical analysis indicators are the moving average convergence-divergence (MACD) indicator and the relative strength index (RSI).
In an economic context, an indicator could be a measure such as the unemployment rate, which can be used to predict future economic trends. Common general economic indicators are the unemployment rate, new housing starts and the consumer price index (CPI). Related Terms: Coincident Indicator Consumer Price Index - CPI Headline Effect Housing Starts Lagging Indicator Leading Indicator Moving Average Convergence Divergence - MACD Relative Strength Index - RSI Technical Analysis Unemployment Rate |