Credit Report A detailed report of an individual's credit history prepared by a credit bureau and used by a lender to in determining a loan applicant's creditworthiness, including: 1. Personal data (current and previous addresses, social security number, employment history) 2. Summary of credit history (number and type of accounts that are past-due or in good standing) 3. Detailed account information 4. Inquires into applicant's credit history (number and type of inquiries into applicant's credit report) 5. Details of any accounts turned over to credit agency (such as information about liens, wages garnishments via federal, state or county records) 6. Information on how to dispute any of the above information. Investopedia Says: Once negative information appears on your credit report, there is little you can do to clear it up if the information is truthful and accurate. Generally such information remains for about seven years, while bankruptcy filings typically stay on the credit report for about 10 years. Related Terms: Bankruptcy Credit Credit Score Credit Scoring Creditor Insurance Score Lien Line Of Credit Loan Pre-Approval |