

单词 current account
释义 current account

I also current bank account

A UK bank account bearing no interest and requiring no notice for withdrawals. This is contrasted with a deposit account, where interest is paid and notice of withdrawal is required. The distinction has become blurred with the introduction of bank accounts under various proprietory names which are withdrawable on demand but yield some interest, generally at a very low rate. The US name for a current account is a checking account.


Transactions where the payments are income for the recipient. A country's balance of payments on current account includes trade in goods, or visibles; trade in services, or invisibles; payments of factor incomes, including dividends, interest and migrants' remittances from earnings abroad; and international transfers, that is gifts. Current account is contrasted with capital account, where transactions do not give rise to incomes, but represent changes in the form in which assets are held.





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