

netting net worth net yield neural network neutral hedge
NEWCO New Community Instrument new for old new issue new-issue market
new shares new sol new time New York Clearing House Association New York Cotton Exchange
New York Futures Exchange New York Mercantile Exchange New York Stock Exchange ngultrum ngwee
NIC niche player NIF NII NIIM
Nikkei Dow Jones Index Nikkei Index Nikkei Stock Average nil paid NINOW
NNP no-arbitrage condition no-claim bonus noise nominal capital
nominal interest rate nominal partner nominal price nominal principal nominal value
nominal yield nomination nominee nominee shareholding non-acceptance
non-amortizing mortgage non-assented stock non-borrowed reserves non-business days noncallable bonds
non-competitive bid non-contributory pension non-cumulative preference share non-domiciled non-equity share
non-executive director nonlinearity non-marketable securities non-monetary benefits and costs non-negotiable instruments
non-obligatory expenditure non-participating preference share non-performing loan non-recourse finance non-resident
non-revolving bank facility non-statutory accounts non-systematic risk non-taxable income non-underwritten
no-par-value normal distribution Normal Market Size normal retirement age normal yield curve
North American Free Trade Agreement nostro account notary public note note issuance {(}or purchase{)} facility
note issuance {(or purchase) }facility notes to financial statements notes to the accounts notice day notice in lieu of distringas
noting notional income not negotiable novation NOW
Nu nudum pactum numbered account NV NYFE
NYMEX NYSE objectivity obligation obligatory expenditure
OBSF occupational pension scheme odd lot OECD OEEC
off-balance-sheet finance off-balance-sheet instrument off-balance-sheet reserve offer offer by prospectus
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