

beta test mode BFI bid-asked spread bidder bid price
Big Bang [UK] bilateral netting bill of exchange binomial option pricing model BIS
black box trading Black-Scholes option pricing model blanket waiver blocking period block order
block trade Block Trade Facility; Block Trading Facility (BTF) blue chip board lot board of directors
boiler room bond bonus issue bonus share book building method
book close date (B/C date) book closure period book runner book value bought deal
branch certificate breadth of the market breakeven point bridging loan Broker Activities Working Team
brokerage brokerage house Broker Participant [CCASS Participants] Brokers' Accounting System Brokers' Electronic Support Services (BESS)
Brokers' Fidelity Insurance Committee Brokers' Fidelity Insurance Scheme (BFI) Broker Supplied System (BSS) brought forward [accounting] browse and pick
BSS BTF bubble economy bucketing bulk registration service
Bull ELI Bull Equity Linked Instrument (Bull ELI) Bulletin Board bull market bull position
business day business registration certificate butterfly spread buy and hold strategy buy-back [cf repurchase agreement]
buy in buy order buy-out / buyout buyout repo cabinet bid
cabinet trade Cadbury Committee [UK] Cadbury Report [UK] Calculated Opening Price (COP) calendar spread
Callable Bull/Bear Contract (CBBC) call auction call market call option call-over
call premium [bonds] call price [CBBC] call spread derivative warrant call warrant call writer
cancelled share candlestick chart CAPI capital account capital adequacy
capital adequacy ratio capital adjustment capital appreciation capital expenditure capital formation
capital gain capital gains tax (CGT) capitalisation capitalisation issue capitalisation of interest
capital loss capital market capital plus warrant capital preservation product Capital Protected Instrument (CPI)
capital reserve capital value carried forward [accounting] carry trade cash alternative
cash client cash commission rebate;cash rebate cash company cash flow cash flow statement
cash market Cash Market Consultative Panel cash marks cash on delivery (COD) cash prepayment service
cash price cash settled ELI cash settlement cash shell CASIF
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