

ACI-The Financial Markets of Hong Kong (ACIHK) acquisition acquisition of shells acting in concert active business pursuits [GEM]
active market actual market actual price actual useful life ADB
additional margin add-on Adjudication Division Adjudicator adjustable rate mortgage (ARM)
adjusted basis adjusted net assets adjusted net tangible assets adjustment administering bank
admissible securities value admitted value ADR ad valorem stamp duty advance
advance booking form Advisory Committee [SFC] Advisory Specialist Group affiliate; affiliated company AFTA
after-hours dealing after market / aftermarket afternoon session after-tax profits after-tax real rate of return
agency account Agency Share Transfer System [Mainland China] agency trade agent aggregate auction
aggregate market value aging analysis of accounts AGM AIB AIM
AIMR alert message Alert Messge Service algorithmic trading All Ordinaries Index (AOI)
all-or-none order allotment allottee allowance [accounting] allowance for bad and doubtful debts
alpha coefficient alpha 系数 alternate alternative investment Alternative Investment Market (AIM) [UK]
amalgamation AMCHAM Amended and Restated Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding Governing Listing Matters American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) American depositary receipt (ADR)
American Stock Exchange (AMEX) American style option AMEX amortisation AMS
AMS/2 AMS/3 AMS order book AMS Second Terminal ANNA
announcements annual accounts annual general meeting (AGM) annual report AOI
AOSEF APEC API Appeals Panel [SFC] appetite for risk
Application Programming Interface (API) Applied Research Fund appreciation appropriation approved borrower
approved deposit fund approved lending agent approved redeemable share APRC arbitrage
arbitrary scale up method arithmetic average; arithmetic mean [statistics] ARM arm's length transaction arrears
articles of association ASAC ASC ASEAN ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)
ASEAN Regional Forum Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation (AOSEF) Asian Development Bank (ADB) Asian dollar bond Asian dollar market
Asian Securities' Analysts Council (ASAC) Asian Securities Analysts Federation Asia-Pacific Central Securities Depository Group (ACG) Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Asia Pacific Loan Market Association
Asia Pacific Regional Committee (APRC) of IOSCO ASIC ask price; asked price asset asset allocation
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