be prepared against natural disasters |
be proficient in professional and technical work |
be profitable |
be prolonged accordingly |
be prolonged in a similar manner |
be punished according to administrative discipline and the law |
be purchased off the shelf |
be put in |
bequeath |
bequeather |
bequest |
bequests for reduction of national debt |
be raised to a new level |
Beran's test |
bereavement pay |
be reimbursed for what one spends |
be rendered unfit for physical labor |
be responsible for a task until it is completed |
be responsible for enterprises' own decisions about their operation and expansion and for their own profits and losses |
be responsible for profits and losses |
be responsible for the earnings and spendings in a unified way |
Bergsonian social welfare function |
Berksonian line |
Bermuda Agreement |
Berne Convention |
Berne Union |
Bernstein Plan |
Bernstein's theorem |
Berry's inequality |
berth |
berthage |
berthage space |
berth bill of lading |
berth cargo |
berth cargo rate |
berth charge |
berth charter |
berth charter port charter |
berth clause |
berthing clause |
berthing note |
berth owner |
berth owner |
berth owner |
berth owner |
berth period |
berth rates |
berth terms |
berth throughput |
berth time |
Bertrand's Duopoly Model |
be run by collectives on a contract basis |
be somebody's guarantor |
bespoke |
best available technology |
best bid |
best buy |
best critical region |
best effort |
best efforts commitment |
best effort selling agreement |
best efforts selling commitment |
best efforts syndication |
best estimator |
best fit |
best fitting combination of variables |
best fitting least squares line |
annuity accumulation unit |
annuity agreement |
annuity bond |
annuity certain |
annuity certain and life |
annuity contracts |
annuity cost |
annuity depreciation |
annuity depreciation method |
annuity due |
annuity for life |
annuity fund |
annuity in advance |
annuity in arrears |
annuity in possession |
annuity in reversion |
annuity insurance |
annuity method |
annuity method of depreciation |
annuity option rate |
annuity period |
annuity reserve |
annuity rules |
annuity savings deposits |
annuity system |
annuity trust account |
annul |
annul a concession agreement |
anomalies |
anomy |
anonymous bonus (i.e., bonus in a closed envelope) |
an open economy policy |
Anosov's theorem |
(ANOVA)方差分析 |
Ansett Transport Industries Limited |
Anshan Iron and Steel Company |
answer back code |
answering service |
answering statement to a demand for arbitration |
answer on a check |
antagonistic contradiction |
antagonistic cooperation |
antagonistic interest |
Antarctic Great Wall Station |
Antarctic survey |
antecedent |
antecedent money |
antecedent party |
antecessor |
antedated bill |
antedated bills of lading |
antedated check |
ante diem |
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