

活动成本 活动比率 活动率 活动率 活动用户表
活动空间 活动空间 活动类别 活动货币 活动资产
活动资本 活性污染法 活性污泥 活性炭 活性炭
活期 活期信用放款 活期储蓄 活期存款 活期存款
活期存款 活期存款差额 活期存款帐户 活期存款帐户 活期帐户
活期帐户 活期抵押放款 活期抵押放款 活期放款 活期放款
活期放款 活期放款合约 活期贷款 活期贷款 活期贷款
活牲畜运输 活牲畜运输 活跃市场 活跃市场 活跃的行情
活跃的需求 活跃股票 活跃证券 洽租佣金(轮船公司) 洽谈业务
派出机构 派定泊位 派息日(股票) 派款 派生存款
behavior change behaviorism behavior modification behavior of average cost behavior relation
behavior theories of the firm be heavily in debt be held responsible for behindhand payment behind the schedule
bei bi (cowrie shells serving as currency) Beijing Adjustment Rules Beijing Adjustment Rules Beijing Adjustment Rules Beijing College of Economics
be in arrears be in arrears with tax payment be in business be incapacitated be in charge of financial affairs
be in debt be independent and responsible for one's own profit and loss be in difficulties being accountable for excessive loans being boastful
being cut off from gold being in arrears in handing over profits be in great demand being responsible for part of the field management being responsible for the maintenance and repair of equipment
being responsible for the supply of complete sets of correct blueprints on the products and technical papers be in short supply be in the red belated claim Belgian financial franc
Belgian franc (BF Belgian General Federation of Trade Unions Belgian income tax Belgian Industrial Federation Belgian Monetary Area (BMA)
Belgian stock exchanges Belgo Luxembourg Economic Union (BLEU) be liable for a bill of exchange be liable for debts to the extent of all assets Bellman's principle of optimality
bell shaped distribution bell shaped probability distribution Bell Telephone Laboratories Inc. Bell Trade Act belonging
belongingness belongingness and identification belongings below average below bridges
below cost below par below standard performance below the average quality below the line
below the line expenditure below the line item below the line promotion activity belt and braces belt conveyor
belt economic structure belt graph belt line production beltman belt man
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