

establishment ceiling estate estate duty estate duty account estimated annual rental
estimated assessment estimated assets estimated expenditure estimated growth rate estimated income
estimated liabilities estimated net profit estimated revenue estimates of expenditure evade payment of tax
evidence of payment ex all [x.a.] examination excess excessive interest rate
excess liquidity excess tax paid excess value exchange exchange account
exchange bank exchange broker exchange clearing agreement exchange company exchange contract
exchange control exchange gain exchange loss exchange market exchange memo
exchange position exchange premium exchange quotation exchange rate exchange rate contract
exchange rate fluctuation exchange rate index exchange rate mechanism exchange rate movement exchange risk
exchange surcharge exchange-traded derivative exchange transaction exchange value excise duty
excluded property excluded reserve exclusive of rates exclusive right exclusivity
ex coupon [x.c.] ex dividend [x.d.] executive director executor executor of small estates
exempt dealer exempted institution exempted loan exempt from tax exempt investment adviser
exemption exemption certificate exemption clause exemption from estate duty exemption from property tax
exemption from rates exemption from stamp duty exempt person exempt sum exercise period
exercise price ex gratia grant ex gratia payment existing controller existing licence
existing loan expectancy of value expenditure expenditure approach expenditure baseline
expenditure commitment expenditure component expenditure guideline expenditure outturn expenditure pattern
expenditure range expenditure survey expense expense disbursement expense loss
export credit export earnings exporter of services export financing export-led
export licence export of goods and services export-oriented export performance export value
exposure expressed in Hong Kong dollar ex rights [x.r.] external assets external auditor
external claim external commercial relations external competitiveness external equilibrium external investor
externally oriented economy external sovereign debt external trade extinguishment allowance extortionate stipulation
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