

investment intention investment-linked savings plan investment manager investment performance investment plan
investment portfolio investment promotion investment representative investment return investment scheme
investment vehicle investor invisible trade invoice inward cash flow
inward documentary bill inward investment inward remittance in-year management irrecoverable tax
irregularly endorsed cheque irrevocable letter of credit issue issue at a discount issue by tender
issued share issued share capital issued voting share issue expenses issue of shares
issue price issuer issuing bank issuing house jobber
jobber trade jobbing business jobbing on client jobbing system joint account
joint and several note joint assessment joint contract joint creditor joint debt
joint debtor joint estate joint estates account joint holder joint liability
joint liquidator joint loan joint owner joint ownership joint petition
joint property joint statement joint stock association joint-stock bank joint-stock company
joint tenancy joint tenant joint total income joint venture joint venture account
joint venture agreement joint venture contract journal entry judgment creditor judgment debt
judgment debtor judicial trustee junk bond kabushiki kaisha kerb market
kerb trading key money kickback kite-flying kiting
kiting cheque known contingency known liabilities known spending commitment labour and material cost index
laissez-faire policy land cost element landed cost land-holding company land premium
land revenue land transaction last recorded price last trading price late adjustment
latent reserve late stamping law cost law of bankruptcy law of diminishing return
law of insolvency lay member [Council of SEHK] leading indicator leap-frogging lease
leasehold interest leasehold property leave pay ledger ledger book
legacy legal charge legal cost legal estate legal fee
legal interest legally binding debt legal mortgage legal personal representative legal tender
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