[] a formal choice that you make in an election or at a meeting in order to choose sb or decide sth 投票◆There were 18 votes for and 12 against the motion. 这项动议 18 票赞成 12 票反对。◆72% of the votes cast were in favour of a strike. 72% 的投票者赞成罢工。
[] an occasion when a group of people vote on sth 投票表决◆Let's take a vote on the issue. 我们对这个问题进行投票表决吧。◆The issue was put to the vote. 这个问题付诸表决了。➡ see note at meeting ⨁to force / have / take a vote 强力促成/进行/举行投票表决
[] the right to vote 投票权;表决权◆Only individual policyholders have a vote. 只有个人投保者有表决权。
[] the total number of votes in an election 票数;得票数◆She obtained 40% of the vote. 她获得了 40% 的选票。