uk/ˌaʊtpəˈfɔːm/ us [ I or T ] STOCK MARKET, FINANCE
if shares, bonds, etc. outperform, or if they outperform a particular stock market or financial market, they produce more money for investors than other shares, bonds, etc. of a similar type:
Commodities futures have produced better annual returns than stocks and outperformed bonds even more.
In the short term, equities are higher risk, but over the long term they are less risky because they will outperform.
outperform the (stock) market/index The latest Fortune survey of business performance in the US showed that new and diverse companies outperform the stock market.
[ T ]
to be more successful than other companies or countries:
Employment reports suggest that the US economy will outperform Europe in the months to come.
outperform (your) competitors/rivals In order to achieve dramatic improvements and outperform competitors, a corporation often needs to make radical changes.