uk/ˈliːdəʃɪp/ us [ U ] HR, MANAGEMENT
the position or fact of being a leader:
The company has strong leadership and accountability up and down the line.
The hospital excelled financially under her leadership.
a leadership role/style/team
business/corporate/executive leadership
the set of characteristics that makes a good leader:
He was fired for his lack of leadership.
leadership qualities/skills
the position of being a company, product, etc. that is more successful than its competitors:
Our people are working together to attain leadership in customer service, quality and financial returns.
It is the Marketing Division that grapples with the strategic problem of retaining market share and industry leadership.
the leadership
the person or people in charge of an organization:
The new leadership will have complete control over 45,900 employees and a $3.5 billion annual budget.
The unions preferred not to alienate the leadership when many of their own policy demands were still under negotiation.
See also
market leadership
price leadership
transactional leadership
transformational leadership