

representative sample Reproduction reproduction cost reproduction of capital reproduction on an enlarged scale
Repurchase repurchase repurchase agreement repurchase price repurchase transaction
reputed owner Request Required required liquid capital required rate of return
required reserve Requirement requisite book requisite voucher Requisition for Revenue Stamps
re-registration Resale resale value reschedule of payment Rescheduling
rescheduling loans rescheduling of payment rescue fund Research research and development cost
research and development expense research and development expenses research and development (R&D) research and extension research of investment feasibility
research on markets research on state-owned property resell Reserve reserve
reserve account reserve assets reserve balance reserve bank reserve capital
reserve currency Reserved reserved capital reserved profit reserved supplementary grant
reserved surplus reserve for accidents reserve for bad debts reserve for contingencies reserve for contingency
reserve for depreciation reserve for exchange loss reserve fund reserve price reserve ratio requirement
resettlement grant resident director residential mortgage residual asset 剩余资产 2 residual claim
residual cost residual deficit residual equity residual equity theory residual income
residual interest 残值 2 residual method residual method of valuation residual payment residuary estate
residue residue of expenditure resistance line Resource resource allocation
resource bid resource bureau resource utilization responsibilities, separating ownership from daily responsibility accounting
responsibility center Responsibility for one’s own profit and loss 自负盈亏 2 responsibility system responsible director restatement of account
restatement (of financial statement) restocking restricted auction restricted banking licence restricted cash
restricted fund restricted licence bank restricted retained earnings restricted tender Restriction
restriction notice restriction of credit restriction of import Restrictive restrictive cause
restrictive endorsement restrictive measure results announcement results from operation Retail
retail accounting retail banking retail business retail client retail dealer
retail deposit retail deposit interest rate retail interest rate retail investor retail market
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