Unified Managed Account (UMA) A professionally managed private investment account that is rebalanced regularly and can encompass every investment vehicle (e.g. mutual funds, stocks, bonds and exchange traded funds) in an investor's portfolio, all in a single account. Investopedia Says: The unified managed account is an evolution of the separate account, which is similar in that it is a professionally managed account which is rebalanced often but only contains one type of investment instrument (such as mutual funds). If an investor wanted to have a well-diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds and mutual funds, he or she would need to open three separate accounts. The UMA removes the need to have more than one account and combines all of the assets into one account with a single registration. Related Terms: Advisor Asset Allocation Exchange-Traded Fund - ETF Managed Account Managed Money Mutual Fund Rebalancing Separate Account Unified Managed Household Account - UMHA |