Kids In Parents' Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings (KIPPERS) A slang term referring to adult children who are out of school and in their working years, but are still living at home with their parents. These parents face the challenge of managing their own finances and planning for retirement while dealing with the added expense of providing for adult offspring. Investopedia Says: According to recent studies, most parents report that having KIPPERS is a pleasant experience - they like living with their adult children. However, it usually results in the parents saving less than they otherwise would for their retirement.
Contrast this to the situation of a married, working couple with no children at home, where discretionary income is often higher and saving for retirement is easier. This demographic group is sometimes referred to as Dual Income No Kids (DINKs). Related Terms: Boomerang Discretionary Income Disposable Income Dual Income, No Kids - DINKS Dually Employed With Kids - DEWKS Nest Egg |