International Equity Style Box A visual representation of the principal investment characteristics of foreign stocks and foreign stock funds. The international equity style box is a valuable tool for investors to use to determine the risk-return structures of their international stocks/portfolios and/or how these investments fit into their investing criteria.
Also known as an "international stock style box". Investopedia Says: An international equity (stock) style box is comprised of nine squares, or categories, with the investment features of stocks/stock mutual funds presented along its vertical and horizontal axes.
Whereas Morningstar uses percentages of its stock database to determine large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap stocks (company size), internationally, dollar market-capitalizations of less than US$1 billion, US$1 billion to US$5 billion and more than US$5 billion are used to classify companies as small, medium and large, respectively. . Related Terms: Blend Fund Equity Style Box Fixed-Income Style Box Growth Fund Market Capitalization Mutual Fund Price-To-Book Ratio - P/B Ratio Price-To-Cash-Flow Ratio Style Box Value Fund |