单词 | Investment Fund |
释义 | Investment Fund 投资基金 "投资基金泛指以各种方式管理的资产组合,基本上可分为开放式基金(open-end fund)及封闭式基金(closed-end fund)两类,後者亦称为投资信托(investment trust). 开放式或封闭式基金均是集合投资人的资金,加以分散投资在各种资产上的方式. 开放式基金乃指资本额不设限的基金,投资人随时可以向基金公司买入或赎回基金,基金公司则可随时增发基金单位以满足市场需求。封闭式基金则有固定的核定资本,不可因应客户需求随时增发。封闭式基金与一般的公司股票类似,在首次公开发行(IPO)时向公众发行固定数量的证券,随後在证券交易所买卖. 与开放式基金不同之处在於,封闭式基金没有义务按客户需要增加发行或是赎回基金. 封闭式基金股票的价格完全由市场需求决定,因此可能高於或低於其资产净值. 参见Open-end Fund (开放式基金), Closed-end Fund(封闭式基金), Mutual Fund(共同基金), Unit Trust(单位信托)及Investment Trust(投资信托)." "An investment fund is any fund that manages portfolios of money. There are basically two types of investment funds – open-ended mutual funds, which are also known as unit trusts, and closed-end publicly quoted funds, which are also known as investment trusts. Both are means of pooling funds to allow investors to diversify their investment assets. Open-ended funds sell shares to the public, with each share representing proportionate ownership of the underlying assets of the fund. The fund managers can create more shares, or reduce the total, according to demand from the public. A closed-end fund has a predefined and fixed number of shares available to the public. The number of shares cannot be increased. Fresh demand for investment in the fund will push up the price of existing shares, allowing the fund manager to issue more shares. See also Mutual Fund/Unit Trust, Investment Trust. See also: Mutual Fund, Investment Trusts" |
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