

单词 Duration
释义 Duration
存续期是债券价格对利率变动敏感度的指标,亦可视为投资人收回其债券投资的资金所需时间的一个指标。 存续期越长,债券价格对利率的变动越敏感。 存续期与债券的年期(maturity)是不同的概念,年期一定程度上亦反映债券对利率风险的敏感度,在其他条件相同的情况下,年期越长,价格对利率的变动越敏感。 但由於债券价格对利率风险的敏感度同时受票面利率、付息的频率及年期这些因素所影响,单是年期并不是债券对利率风险敏感度的好指标。
存续期是综合了影响债券价格对利率变动敏感度的各个因素而计算出来的一个指标。有了这一概念,各种债券和债券组合对利率风险的敏感度便有了一个简单的、可直接相比较的衡量标准。债券存续期有两种常用的计算方式: Macaulay Duration和modified duration。 Macaulay Duration的单位为年,如票面利率及市场收益率均为8%,每半年付息一次的10年期债券的存续期为7.07年。以D代表存续期,市场利率每变动1个百分点,债券价格就会随着变动D%(利率上升时,价格下跌;利率下跌时价格上升)。 由此可见,存续期较长的债券(或债券组合)风险较高。若预期利率下滑,调整债券投资组合以拉长存续期(可以通过调高长债的比重来达到)是理智的策略,因为一旦利率果真下滑,债券组合的价格升幅会较大。当然,若判断失误,所付出的代价亦会较为惨重。到期前不付息的零息债券(zero-coupon bond)的存续期,等同於其距离债券到期的年数(term to maturity)。 所有在到期前有付利息的债券的存续期,均较其距离到期的年数为短。 另外,若一切其他条件相同,票面利率越高,债券的存续期则越短。参见Coupon(票面利率)。
Synonym: Macauley Duration
A measure of bond price sensivity to changes in prevailing market interest rate.
"Alternitevly, one can see duration as a measure of the average maturity of a bond's cash flows from both coupons and principal repayment, or how long you have to wait to earn exactly half the expected total return in coupons and principal repayment. A zero coupon bond's duration would be the same as the maturity date because there are no coupons to take into account.Duration, quoted in years, indicates the average exposure to market risk. Bonds with higher durations face higher risk from changes in interest rates. Also known as Macauley Duration. "
"Duration and yield to maturity taken together are used to compare bonds with different coupons and maturities. See also: Coupon, Yield to maturity, Convexity"




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