单词 | PPP |
释义 | PPP 购买力平价 英文Purchasing Power Parity的缩写。购买力平价理论认为,长期而言,一项商品只能有一个价格,即在不同国家购买同一商品的成本应该是一样的;因此,当汇率水平令各种货币的购买力相等时,汇率即处於均衡水平。比如,如果一部个人电脑在美国卖1,000美元,在中国大陆卖8,000元人民币,而1美元刚好可兑换8元人民币,则美元(在个人电脑上)的购买力与人民币相同,1美元兑8元人民币的汇率即是购买力平价理论上的均衡汇率。比较商品在不同国家的价格时,通常采用一组有代表性的标准商品,而不是单一商品。按此理论,通货膨胀较为严重的国家,其货币应会贬值,以令各种货币的购买力保持一致。 购买力平价理论只适用於可透过国际贸易流通的商品,同时忽略了一些现实因素,如运输成本、关税以及其它交易费用。此理论可用来计算各国按购买力计的国内生产总值(GDP),以免各国物价水平的差异掩盖了真实的经济产值。参见Big Mac Index(巨无霸汉堡包指数)。 Synonym: Purchasing Power Parity "A theory which states that the rate of exchange between two currencies is in equilibrium when it exactly reflects the difference in cost of standard goods in the two countries. If the same radio costs £100 in the UK and $150 in the US, there is purchasing power parity if the exchange rate is £1=$1.5 and the radio costs effectively the same amount in both countries. Purchasing power parity cannot apply to immobile goods such as houses and it does not take into account distortions caused by transport costs and trade restraints, so standard goods that are widely available in both countries are used as a measure. " See also: Index |
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