

单词 unemployment
释义 unemployment

Inability to obtain a job when one is willing and able to work. This can be measured in two ways: official registration with a state agency, which carries some form of income support, and self-assessment by a random sample of the population. Self-assessment generally produces higher figures. The unemployment rate is the unemployed as a percentage of the total labour force, defined as employees plus unemployed. Official measures rarely correspond exactly to an economist's ideal definition of unemployment. They take no account of people who would prefer full-time work but can only find part-time jobs, or of people over pensionable age who would prefer to work. They do, however, include some people who are doubtfully employable, or simply do not want work.

Unemployment has been divided into various categories, corresponding to different causes; these probably do not operate independently, but interact. Demand-deficiency, or Keynesian, unemployment occurs when there is not enough demand for goods and services to provide jobs for all the workers available. This type of unemployment could be reduced by extra private or government spending. ‘Classical’ unemployment occurs if real wages are too high relative to productivity for it to be profitable to employ all the labour force. Unemployment of this type could be reduced by real wage cuts, or by improvements in productivity, through better training, or the reform of restrictive practices. Structural unemployment occurs through a mismatch between the skills and location of unemployed workers and unfilled vacancies. This could be reduced by measures to retrain or relocate unemployed workers, or to relocate firms and redefine jobs so as to use the skills of the unemployed. Frictional unemployment occurs if matchable unemployed workers and vacancies both exist, but the process of connecting them is slow or inadequate. Search unemployment occurs where workers are unemployed while looking for a suitable job. Frictional unemployment can be reduced by making the matching process more efficient, by creating or improving labour exchanges.

Some unemployment is due to the impaired employability of potential workers. Reduction of this requires an assortment of measures. Some potential workers could be made available for employment if there were better facilities for child-care, and assistance in caring for sick, handicapped, or elderly relatives. Others could be made employable by better facilities for the rehabilitation of alcoholics, drug abusers, or petty criminals. Some economists have distinguished between voluntary and involuntary unemployment, but others think this distinction too subjective to be useful. Some of the unemployed simply do not want work, at least of any form for which they are qualified. This again is due to a variety of causes. Some are simply idle, or have gainful occupations in the unofficial economy. This form of unemployment might be reduced by workfare, where income support is made conditional on some form of work. Others are simply taking holidays between spells of hard and boring work; others again are engaged in educating themselves, or practising the arts. Unemployment is due to too many and complex causes for there to be any one simple cure for it.

See also:

classical unemployment, cyclical unemployment, demographic unemployment, disguised unemployment, frictional unemployment, involuntary unemployment, Keynesian unemployment, long-term unemployment, natural rate of unemployment, non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment, search unemployment, seasonal unemployment, structural unemployment, technological unemployment, transitional unemployment, and voluntary unemployment





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