

Investment Services Directive investment trust Investors' Compensation Scheme invisible asset invisible balance
invisibles IOSCO IOU IPE IPO
IRA Irish Futures and Options Exchange IRR irredeemables irredeemable securities
irrevocable documentary acceptance credit irrevocable letter of credit IRS Ir£ ISA
ISA mortgage ISDA ISE ISIN Islamic finance
ISMA issue issue by tender issue date issued share
issued share capital issue price issuing house Istanbul Menkul Kiymetter Borsasi IT
itayose ITS Jakarta Stock Exchange J-curve jiao
jobber jobber's turn jobbing back jobbing backwards job lot
Johannesburg Stock Exchange joint account joint and several liability joint bond joint investment
joint-life and last-survivor annuities joint-stock bank joint-stock company joint venture joint venturing
JSE judgment creditor judgment debtor jump jump process
junior debt junk bond juristic person k kamikaze pricing
kangaroos Kansas City Board of Trade kappa Kassenobligation keepwell
Keidanren keiretsu Keogh plan kerb market key-person assurance
khoum KHR KIBOR kickback kicker
killer bee kina kip KISS kite
kiting KLSE KN knock-in option kobo
Kondratieff cycle kopeck kopiyka Korea Stock Exchange koruna
krona krone kroon Krugerrand króna
Kuala Lumpur Commodity Exchange Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange kuna Kurs Information Service System kurtosis
kuru Kuwait Inter Bank Offered Rate kwacha kwanza kyat
Kčs L laari labour-intensive laches
laddered portfolio ladder option Lady Macbeth strategy lagged reserve requirement lambda
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