

单词 wildcat
释义 wildcat

wildcat // adjective, noun, verb (informal)

adjective [only before noun]

1 (HR )

a wildcat strike happens suddenly and without the official support of a trade union:

4 000 workers may be fired unless they put a stop to wildcat strikes.



(about a business or project) that has not been carefully planned and that will probably not be successful; that does not follow normal standards and methods:

He made the mistake of putting his money into a wildcat scheme.

wildcat stocks

the wildcat business of independent film

noun [C]

1 (AmE)

an oil or gas well (= a deep hole in the ground) made in an area where oil or gas has not yet been found:

The company expects ten wildcats to be drilled this year.


a business or project that will probably not be financially successful

verb [no obj] (AmE)

to look for oil where nobody has looked for it before:

They were wildcatting for oil in Texas.

wildcatter noun [C]:

He was a wildcatter in the '60s in the oilfields of Wyoming.





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