

单词 clean
释义 clean

clean // adjective, verb, adverb

adjective (cleaner, cleanest)


free from harmful or unpleasant substances:

clean air/water

the search for cleaner technologies

Electric buses are a clean, environmentally friendly way to travel.



not showing or having any record of doing sth dishonest or against the law:

He is hoping to maintain the company's clean record on safety.

◆ (AmE) a clean driver's license

3 (Finance )

financially strong; having little or no debt:

The firm has a strong cash flow and a clean balance sheet.

They are the country's biggest and cleanest bank.


a clean bill of health

a report that says sth is reliable, safe or in good condition:

The auditors gave the company a clean bill of health.

The city's drinking water has received a clean bill of health.

Although the airline was given a clean bill of health by regulators, there is concern about its safety record.

clean hands

if sb has clean hands they are not guilty of any illegal or dishonest acts:

The bank is in crisis and needs a leader with clean hands.




clean house

to make a company, an organization, etc. more honest and efficient, for example by removing people or things that are not necessary or not wanted:

The new manager has begun to clean house.

clean up your act (informal)

to start behaving in a moral or responsible way:

The call centre industry is trying to clean up its act and improve working conditions for staff.

She believes that the financial services industry needs to clean up its act.


clean sb out (informal)

to use all of sb/sth's money:

Paying the fine cleaned me out.

The scam has cleaned out consumers of nearly $15 million.

clean sth out

to make the inside of sth very clean or empty, for example by removing things you do not want or need:

Staff were given no time to clean out their desks.

◆ (figurative) She's cleaned out her bank account (= taken all the money out of it).

We should have cleaned out existing staff and started again.

clean sth up


to remove crime and immoral behaviour from a place or an activity:

The industry needs to clean up its image.

2 (Finance )

to make sth financially stronger; to reduce the amount of debt:

He cleaned up the group by getting rid of loss-making activities.

The company has cleaned up its balance sheet.


to remove harmful substances from a river, piece of land, building, etc:

cleaning up chemical spills




come clean (with sb) (about sth)

to admit and explain sth that you have kept as a secret:

It's time for the chairman to come clean about the group's illegal dealings.





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