释义 | STATEMENTS OF STANDARD ACCOUNTING PRACTICE STATEMENTS OF STANDARD ACCOUNTING PRACTICE 1. Accounting for the Results of Associated Companies 2. Disclosure of Accounting Policies 3. Earnings per Share 4. The Accounting Treatment of Government Grants 5. Accounting for Value Added Tax 6. Extraordinary Items and Prior Year Adjustments 7. Accounting for the Changes in the Purchasing Power of Money (provisional) 8. The Treatment of Taxation under the Imputation System 9. Stocks and Work in Progress 10. Statement of Sources and Application of Funds 11. Accounting for Deferred Taxation 12. Accounting for Depreciation 13. Accounting for Research and Development 14. Group Accounts 15. Accounting for Deferred Taxation 16. Current Cost Accounting 17. Accounting for Post Balance Sheet Events 18. Accounting for Contingencies 19. Accounting for Investment Properties 20. Foreign Currency Translation 21. Accounting for Leases and Hire Purchase Contracts 22. Accounting for Goodwill 23. Accounting for Acquisitions and Mergers 24. Accounting for Pension Costs 25. Segmental Reporting |
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