

单词 rights letter

rights letter

rights letter A document sent to an existing shareholder of a company offering him shares in a rights issue on advantageous terms. If the recipient does not wish to take advantage of the offer himself he can sell the letter and the attendant rights on the stock exchange (seerenunciation).

ring1. A number of manufacturers, dealers, or traders who agree among themselves to control the price or conditions of sale of a product for their own benefit. Such agreements are illegal in most countries, unless they can be shown to be in the public interest. Seerestrictive trade practices. Ringelmann effect The finding that the output of groups increases as they grow larger but that the gain in productivity becomes less for each new member added. The effect is named after Max Ringelmann (1861–1931), a French agricultural engineer who studied the output of men, animals, and machines in various combinations. It can be explained by the lower levels of efficiency and motivation characteristic of large groups. Seecollective effort model; social loafing; sucker effect.





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