

Long options contract Long (position) Long put Long straddle Long strangle
Long-term shareholding (loyalty) incentive Long-term supply agreement Loose bond Low-Budget Operation Loyalties
LSE LTM(Last twelve months) LTOM LYON M0
M1 M2 M3 M&A Maastricht Treaty
Macroeconomic Madrid Stock Exchange Main Board Maintenance margin Makati Stock Exchange
Make-Whole Call Make-Whole Provision Management Best Practice Management Buy-Out, MBO Management fee
Management Seminar Management Tools Managing director Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Manila Stock Exchange
Marche a Terme International de France Marche des Options Negociables de la Bourse de Paris Margin Margin call Marketable securities
Market access Market Capitalization Market economy Marketing Market maker
Market order Market share Mark-to-market Matched order Material misstatement
MATIF Mature market Maturity MBS Mean reversion
Medium and long term loans Medium Term Note Memorandum and Articles of Association Memorandum of association Memorandum of Regulatory Cooperation (MORC)
Memorandum Of Understanding Mergers & Acquisitions, M&A Mezzanine fund Mezzanine stage MFN
Micro capitalization Mid-cap stock Milan Stock Exchange Minority interest Misrepresentation
Model Code Momentum Fund Monetarism Monetary policy Monetize
Money-laundering Monopoly Enterprise Montreal Stock Exchange Moral hazard Moratorium
Mortgage-backed security Most Favored Nation MOU MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) MTN
Multi-Lateral Netting Multi-Tranche Offering Mutual Funds Nagoya Stock Exchange NAPS
NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations National Automated Payment System National Bureau of Economic Research National Bureau of Statistics
Natural resources NAV NBIC NDP Net asset value
Net book value Net Domestic Product (NDP) Net income Net present value Netting agreement
New York Cotton Exchange, Inc. New York Futures Exchange New York Mercantile Exchange New York Produce Exchange New York Stock Exchange
Nikkei Stock Average Nil-paid rights No-load fund Nominal Nominee account
Non-callable Non-collateralized warrant Non-deliverable Non-farm payroll data Non-operating income
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