

portable computer portfolio portfolio management portfolio risk position
position statement positive confirmation positive variance post post-audit
post balance sheet events post-closing trial balance post-date post-dated check posting
posting reference postponable cost postulate of accounting potentially dilutive security power of alienation
power of attorney practical capacity practical insolvency practicing accountant pre-acquisition income
pre-audit precious metals predate predecessor auditor predecessor company
predetermined overhead rate prediction predictive ability preemptive right preferred creditor
preferred stock preliminary audit preliminary expense premium premium bond
premium on capital stock prenotice audit prepaid asset prepaid expense prepayment penalty
preproduction cost presentation present fairly present value present value interest factor
present value method president pre-tax price price ceiling
price discount price-earnings ratio price index price-level accounting price-level adjusted statement
price-level gain and loss price list price variance pricing policy primary account
primary classification primary distribution primary earnings per share prime cost prime rate
principal principal auditor principle prior claim prior-period adjustment
private accountant private auditor private company private ledger privately-held company
private offering private placement privatization privilege probability
probability distribution probability sampling procedure audit procedure manual proceeds
process costing processing cost product cost product costing production budget
production method of depreciation production method of revenue recognition product life cycle product mix product mix decision
professional corporation professional ethics professional fee profit profitability
profitability index profit and loss account profit and loss statement profit center profit goal
profit margin profit maximization profit planning profit ratio profit sharing plan
profit taking profit variance profit-volume chart proforma financial statement program
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