

Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (GEM Listing Rules) Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Main Board Listing Rules) Rules of the Exchange runner rural credit cooperative[Mainland China]
SAAC SAC SAFE safe harbour sales representative
sales revenue salvage value same day exercise samurai bond SASAC
SBLA scalable scalping SCCLR SCEFI
scheme of arrangement SCORE SCP screen scrip dividend
scrip entitlement scrip fee scrip issue scripless trading SDNet
SEAQ SEAQI seasoned securities SEATS SEC
secondary listing secondary market second board Second Generation (AMS/2) second liner; second line stock
second market secured debts Securities Analysts Association of China (SAAC) Securities and Exchange Act [Taiwan] Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) [US]
Securities and Futures Appeals Panel Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal (SFAT) Securities and Futures Bureau [Taiwan] Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) Securities and Futures Market Development Working Group
Securities and Futures (Stock Market Listing) Rules Securities and Investment Board (SIB) [UK] Securities Association of China (SAC) securities borrowing and lending agreement (SBLA) securities collateral
Securities Compensation Fund Committee[SFC] Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Notification History Reports Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Notification Summaries [publication] securities investment fund securities lender
securities margin financier Securities Markets Automated Research Training & Surveillance (SMARTS) Securities Offering Issues sub-group securities-on-hold mechanism Securities Trading Automated Quotation System (STAQS) [Mainland China]
Securities Training Programme securitisation securitisation ratio security security arrangement
security interest segregated trust account segregation of securities SEHK SEHK Enquiry Hotline
SEHK Options Clearing House Limited (SEOCH) SEIS selective marketing basis self-clearing Self Clearing Participant (SCP)
self-regulatory organisation; self-regulating organisation sell order sensitivity analysis SEOCH SEOCH collateral
SEOCH Participant separate listing Serial Month Hibor Futures series margin value SESDAQ
Sesops (Singapore Exchange Securities Order Processing System) set off Settled Position Report [CCASS] settlement settlement backlog
settlement bank settlement cap settlement date Settlement Instruction Batch Upload [CCASS] settlement instruction (SI)
settlement instruction transaction settlement period Settlement Report [CCASS] settlement risk SFAT
SFC SFC Alert SFC Dual Filing Advisory Group SFC Enforcement Reporter SFC (HKEC Listing) Appeals Committee
SFC (HKEC Listing) Committee SFC (HKEC Listing) Executive SGX shadow director Shanghai Composite Index
Shanghai Municipal Futures Industry Association Shanghai Petroleum Exchange Shanghai Securities Central Clearing and Registration Corporation Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 Index Shanghai Stock Exchange
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