

East Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation (EAOSEF) EBRD ECN economic value added E day
EDGAR EERI Effective Exchange Rate Index for the Hong Kong Dollar (EERI) EFIL EFN
e-FRRR system EGM EIPO eIRC Electronic Application Instruction for New Issue Shares
electronic communications network (ECN) Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval (EDGAR) [US] Electronic Disclosure Project Electronic Initial Public Offering service (EIPO) Electronic Mailing Stock Information Service(EMSIS)
electronic money settlement fee Electronic Money Settlement Services Electronic Payment Instruction (EPI) Electronic Publication System (EPS) Electronic Submission System (ESS)
electronic trading ELI eligible securities Eligible Supervisor ELN
E-mail and Group Paging Services emerging market emissions-related product Employee Registered Trader employee share [Mainland China]
employer trustee EMSIS EMU encumbrances End-of-day Trade Data File Transfer Service
end user enhanced access to AMS enhanced digital datafeed enhanced limit order Enhanced Special Stock Trading Method
enlarged share capital Enquire Announcement Information [CCASS] Enquire Reported Lost Certificate [CCASS] Enquire Unmatched SI Reason [CCASS] enterprise bond
Enterprise Information Database Entitlement Statement [CCASS] entitlement table entry price EPI
EPS 1 equilibrium price equity base equity capital; equity share capital equity division [Mainland China]
equity division reform [Mainland China] equity interest Equity Linked Deposit Equity Linked Instrument (ELI) equity linked note (ELN)
equity method [accounting] equity option equity securities equity warrant erroneous trade
error trade ESS estimated average settlement price (EAS price) estimated capital value estimated useful life
ETC ETF ETN Eurobond Euroclear
Euroclear Bank Euro-convertible guaranteed bond euro / Euro European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (EASDAQ) European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) (ie World Bank)
European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) European Parliament European style option Euroyen Tibor Futures exceptional item
Exchange Auditorium exchange control Exchange Exhibition Hall Exchange Fund Bill Exchange Fund Investment Limited (EFIL)
Exchange Fund Note (EFN) Exchange Listing Rules (Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited) exchange loss exchange of information Exchange Participant
Exchange Participant Certificate exchange quota exchange surrender system exchange traded commodity (ETC) Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)
exchange traded note (ETN) exchange traded option exchange traded product Exchange Trading Right Certificate ex-date
ex-dividend basis execution facilities Executive Committee executive director Exempt Fund Manager
exempt listing status Exempt Principal Trader exempt trader exercise exercise day (E day)
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