

economic proximity economic punishment economic purchase quantity economic purchasing quantity economic quantities
economic readjustment economic realism economic reality economic realization of ownership economic reasoning
economic recession economic reckoning economic reconstitution economic reconstruction and readjustment economic recovery
economic recovery tax act economic reform economic reform should be subordinate to economic readjustment economic regime economic region
economic regulating mechanism economic regulations and ordinances economic regulatory mechanism economic rehabilitation economic relations
economic relations between Mainland China and Hong Kong economic relationships economicrelations with foreign countries economic rent economic reorganization
Economic Report of the President economic reprisal economic research economic research center Economic Research Center under the State Council
economic research method economic resources economic responsibility system economic responsibility system within an enterprise economic restructuring
economic restructuring has to have overall coordination economic result economic result coefficient of fund utilization economic result coefficient of work force utilization economic result indicators
economic results economic results in import and export trade economic results of social production economic resurgence economic returns
economic revival economic rhythm method economic rights economic rights and interests economic risks
economic romanticism economic royalist economics economic sanction economic satisfaction
economic scene economic science economic sector economic sector under collective ownership economic sector under ownership by the whole people
economic sector with contracted undertakings economic sector with individually run undertakings economic self sufficiency 买进并收好 买进期货选择权
买进现成物品 买进(股票) 买进证券以补足卖空差额 买进-卖出协议 买远期货
乱摊成本 乱收费用 乳品业 了结债务 了结债务的调解
了解情况的训练 争原料 争原料 争取存款竞争 争夺市场
争夺市场 争议双方同意仲裁的书面文件 事业经费预算 事业行政单位 事件的代数运算
事件穷举表 事例 事先估计 事先协商(信用证) 事先订价证明
事先通知 事前估计 事前及事后测定 事前的测验 事务室
事务性访问 事务管理 事务费用 事务部门 事务部门
事后测定 事后维修 事实上的公司 事实上自由化 事故严重性
事故发生率 事故死亡率 事故相关性 事故统计 事故记录簿
事故调查 事故预防 事故频率 事权控制财权 事物的演进
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