

ability to provide the auxiliary items ability to react to market conditions ability to repay in foreign exchange ability to repay investment in foreign exchange ability to repay loan
ability to sell ability to supply the necessary accessories and assimilate a advanced technology ability to take the burden of industry Abitibi Price Corp. able bodied farm worker
able bodied laborer able bodied worker abnegate abnegator abnormal condition
abnormal cost abnormal curve abnormal depreciation abnormal distribution abnormal exchange
abnormal family abnormal farms abnormal gains abnormal item abnormality
abnormal loss abnormal observation abnormal operating conditions abnormal place abnormal profits
abnormal risk abnormal spoilage abnormal structure abnormal supply abnormal time
abnormal waste abnormal wear and tear aboard abode abolish
abolish commodity economy abolishing life tenure in leading posts abolishment abolishment of obligatory payments in gold abolition of ground rent
abolition of property in land aboriginal aboriginal cost abortive enterprise abortive saving
above ground structures above norm above normal loss (ANL) above norm construction projects above norm piecework wage
above norm project above par above par value above purchase quota premium above quota
above quota current fund above quota excess value created by labor above quota loan above quota piece rate wages above quota piecework wage based on the amount of qualified products at year end
above quota production bonus above quota production bonus plan above the average quality above the line above the line expenditure
Abraham de Moivre's doctrine of chances abrasion abrasion of coin abrasive resistant materials abridged drawing
abridged general view abridged life table abrogate abrogation abrogation of agreement
ABS abscond absconding debtor absence debtor absence of multicollinearity
absence of restrictions absence of serial correlation absence rate absent (ABS) absenteeism
absenteeism rate absentee landlord absentee management absentee owner absentee ownership
absentee ownership system absent from one's post without leave absent population absent variable absent without leave
absolute acceptance absolute accuracy absolute advantage absolute advantage theory absolute amount
absolute assignment absolute average error absolute coefficient system absolute contraband absolute contract
absolute control on absolute convergence absolute conveyance absolute coordinate absolute cost
absolute cost advantage absolute cost of production absolute cover absolute criteria in regression theory absolute demand
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