expectation of a trace
expectation of investment decisions
expectation of life
expectation of working life
expectation payment
expectation theory
expectation value
expected actual standard
expected actual standard cost
expected annual premium income
expected behavior
expected consumption
expected cost
expected cost of additional information
expected elapsed time
expected end of landing
expected error rate
expected freight
expected income
expected income from enterprise
expected inflation
expected life
expected life periods method
expected loss
expected loss density
expected marginal loss
expected marginal profit
expected marginal sales contribution
expected monetary value decision
expected monetary value (EMV)
expected net returns
expected normal price
expected number in the queue
expected opportunity loss
expected payoff
expected probit
expected profit
expected profitability
expected profit insurance
expected profit with perfect information
expected quality level (EQL)
expected rate of profit
expected rate of return
expected rate of return on investment
expected return
expected revenue
expected reward
expected risk
expected shortage
expected time
expected time for an activity
expected total reward
expected utility
expected value
expected value criterion
expected value of imperfect information
expected value of perfect information
expected value of stock out
expected yield
expect to complete
expect to departure
expect to sail
expedient measure
expedient tools
expediting cost
expendable equipment
expended appropriation
expend human sources
expending equilibrium
expending social labor for the production of social use value
expenditure account
expenditure approach
expenditure budget
expenditure cost
expenditure damping
expenditure disbursement
expenditure elasticity
expenditure encumbrances
expenditure expansion path
expenditure for loan payments
expenditure for material supply reserves under the central government
expenditure for military establishment
expenditure for military personnel
expenditure for national security
expenditure for not buying commodities
expenditure for procurement
expenditure for protecting security of workers
expenditure for public works
expenditure for unexplained purposes
expenditure function
expenditure fund deposit
expenditure in constant dollar
expenditure in terms of human labor
expenditure is determined by revenue
expenditure items
expenditure lag
expenditure limitation
expenditure method
expenditure multiplier
expenditure not deductible
expenditure of capital
expenditure of energy
expenditure of energy per ten thousand yuan output value of industry and agriculture
expenditure of households
expenditure of human labor power
expenditure of labor
expenditure of labor service
expenditure of public education
expenditure of social labor
expenditure of social welfare
expenditure of the sense organs (of a human being)
expenditure on armaments
expenditure on arms
expenditure on capital account
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