

notice of trial notice of withdrawal notice period notice to appear notice to company
notice to proceed (NTP) notice to vacate notification notified without engagement notify address
notifying bank notify party not in contract (NIC) not in my backyard (NIMBY) not invented here
notional amount notional cost notional demand notional principal not less than (NLT)
not negotiable notorious possession not otherwise classified (NOC) not otherwise specified (NOS) not sufficient funds (NSF)
not taken not to exceed (NTE) notwithstanding Nouveau Marche novated lease
novation novation agreement novel NP chart nuclear
nuclear material nuclear waste nudum pactum nugatory nuisance
nuisance parameter nuisance value null and void numbered account number of days of inventory on hand
numeraire numerical rating numeric reliability nunc pro tunc nurse fees
nursing home nutrient nutrient pollution NYMEX NYSE Arca
OASDI oath oath of allegiance oath of office Obamacare
obiter dictum object object code object cost objection
objective budgeting objective evidence objective function objective meaning objective principle
objective probability objective risk objectives and task method objective setting objectives in financial reporting
objective standard objective theory of contract objectivity objectivity concept objectivity principle
object linking and embedding (OLE) object oriented object-oriented analysis object oriented architecture object oriented programming (OOP)
objects clause obligate obligated balance obligation obligation authority
obligation basis of accounting obligation bond obligations incurred obligee obligor
oblique drawing obscene observational research observer inseparability obsolescence
obsolescence risk obsolescent obsolescent stock obsolete obsolete inventory
obsolete stock vested commissions vested in interest vested in possession vested interest
vested liability vested right vestibule training vesting vesting instrument
vesting order vesting period Veterans Administration (VA) veto vetoing stock
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