[] () people on a company's mailing list (= a list of the names and addresses of people who are regularly sent information, advertising material, etc.), who no longer live at the address on the list; items that are sent to these people 公司邮寄名单上已不在原地址居住的人;寄给住址已变更者的邮件◆Our lists will be regularly cleaned of gone-aways. 我们要从邮寄名单上定期清除地址已变更的人。ⓘ From the words ‘gone away’ that are written on items of mail that have to be returned to the sender as the person no longer lives at the address. 邮寄物品上写有 gone away(查无此人),表明此人已不在原址居住,邮政包裹须退回给寄件人。