Gnomes of Zurich/ˌnəʊmz əv ˈzjʊərɪk; ˈzʊərɪk; NAmEˌnoʊmz əv ˈzʊrɪk/
[] Swiss bankers who control foreign money 苏黎世的金融家(瑞士大银行家)ⓘ This phrase is often used to suggest that these bankers are powerful in a secret way. You can also refer to bankers in any city who control foreign money as gnomes 这个短语常用来指这些银行家暗地里具有巨大的影响力。也可将在任何城市控制外国货币的银行家称为 gnomes◆the gnomes of Brussels 布鲁塞尔银行家