(; ) [; ]the possibility that sth will increase in price or value (价格或价值)上涨趋势◆The shares have upside if the company focuses on increasing its customers in new markets. 如果公司集中精力在新市场发展顾客,其股票将有机会增值。◆The plan involves high risks but also high upside potential(= opportunity for making high profits). 这项计划涉及高风险,但当中也有很高的赢利潜力。
() [; ]an increase in profits or share prices (利润或股价)上升◆The deal should offer a 50% upside for shareholders. 这笔交易应该可以使股东收益提高 50%。
[] the more positive aspect of a situation that is generally bad (坏事)好的一面◆On the upside, this model does use less fuel than its competitors. 从好的方面看,这个型号的确比同类竞争产品节省燃料。