[] a group of states or countries that have the same central government or that agree to work together 同盟;联盟◆the European Union 欧洲联盟⨁to create / dissolve / form / join a union 创建/解散/组成/加入联盟
[; ]the act of joining two or more things together; the state of being joined together 联合;合并;结合;同盟◆a discussion on economic and monetary union 关於经济和货币合作的讨论◆The website is a good example of the union of content and branding. 这个网站是内容和品牌结合的典范。◆the company's union with a big media empire 这家公司与一家传媒钜头的合并
company union credit union customs union enterprise union European Monetary union European union general union labor union non-union trade union trades union