a unit for measuring weight, in the UK 2 240 pounds or 1016.04 kilograms (long ton) and in the US 2 000 pounds or 907.18 kilograms ( short ton) 吨(英国为 2240 磅或 1016.04 公斤,即长吨;美国为 2000 磅或 907.18 公斤,即短吨)◆The plant turns out up to 630 000 tons of aluminium annually. 这家工厂年产铝达 63 万吨。
a unit for measuring the size of a ship. One ton is equal to 100 cubic feet 吨位(船舶大小的计量单位,1 吨等於 100 立方英尺)◆A 10 000-ton vessel can be unloaded in 10 hours. 一艘万吨级的轮船 10 小时即可卸完货。