(; ) [, ]the goods that a business has for sale at a particular time 库存◆We have a fast turnover of stock. 我们的库存周转很快。◆That particular model is not currently in stock. 那个型号目前没货。◆I'm afraid we're temporarily out of stock. 恐怕我们暂时没货。◆We carry a large stock of office stationery. 我们办公文具备货很多。SYNinventory ⨁to buy (in) / order / replenish stock 买进/订购/补进库存⨁to carry / have / hold / keep stocks (of sth) 备有(某物的)库存⨁to control / get rid of / reduce / run down / sell off stock 控制/处理/降低/耗尽/廉价卖清库存
(; ) [, ] () goods owned by a company, such as raw materials or parts, products being made and finished products 货物;原料;材料;备料;产品◆Just-in-time manufacturing allows firms to reduce their stock levels and so cut storage costs. 即时生产使企业能够降低备料水平从而减少仓贮费用。◆The value of unsold stock is shown as a current asset in the financial records. 未售出货物的价值作为流动资产出现在财务记录里。SYNinventory ➡stock-in-trade ⨁to build (up) / maintain / order / replenish / store stock 积聚/持有/订购/补进/贮存货物⨁to control / get rid of / reduce / run down / sell (off) stock 控制/处理/降低/耗尽/廉价卖清货物
[, ]a quantity of a particular raw material, product, supply, etc. that is available to be used if needed 储备物;备用物◆The US had its lowest stock of oil in ten years. 美国的石油储备处於十年来的最低水平。◆global stocks of cereals/fossil fuels 全球谷物/矿物燃料储备◆The government is to sell off surplus stocks of sugar. 政府将出售过剩的食糖储备。⨁to build up / maintain / replenish / store stock 积聚/持有/补进/贮存备用物品⨁to control / reduce / run down / sell (off) stock 控制/降低/耗尽/廉价卖清储备物
() [] () all the shares a company can make available; the value of those shares 股票;股本◆The value of the company's stock has risen by 80%. 公司的股票价值上涨了 80%。◆He owns 32% of the stock. 他拥有 32% 的股份。◆He has 10 000 shares of the company's stock. 他拥有 1 万股公司的股票。◆The family holds almost all the B-class common stock. 这个家族持有几乎所有的 B 级普通股。SYNcapital stock ➡ see note at increase , share ⨁to issue / have / hold / own stock 发行/有/持有/拥有股票
() [, ; ]a number of shares in a company that one investor holds (某投资者持有的某家公司的)股票◆an investment portfolio with a mix of 60% stocks and 40% bonds and cash 一个由 60% 的股票和 40% 的债券和现金混合组成的投资组合◆Investors should keep buying stocks. 投资者应当继续购买股票。◆(NAmE) to invest in stocks and bonds 投资於股票和债券◆She sold her large block of stock in the company. 她出售了她在公司的大量股票。➡ see note at share ⨁to buy / have / hold / invest in / sell stocks 购买/拥有/持有/投资於/出售股票
() [] the shares of a particular company, type of company or industry (特定公司、特定类型公司或行业的)股票◆blue-chip stocks 蓝筹股◆Technology stocks are expected to gain at tomorrow's open. 科技股预计在明天开盘时上涨。➡ see note at increase , share ⨁to buy / hold / invest in / sell stocks 购买/持有/投资於/出售(某公司)股票
() [, ] () a type of bond with a fixed rate of interest that a government sells in order to borrow money 公债◆to buy government stock/stocks 购买政府公债◆(BrE) to invest in stocks and shares 投资於公债和股票➡government security ⨁to buy / have / hold / invest in / sell (government) stock 购买/持有/投资於/出售(政府)公债
●on the ˈstocks in the process of being made, built or prepared 制作中;建造中;计划中;在准备中◆The new model is on the stocks and will go on sale in May. 新款正在生产中,将於五月份上市销售。➡ idiom at take verball-stock average stock buffer stock build-to-stock capital stock closing stock common stock debenture stock declining stock ex stock glamour stock government stock growth stock loan stock make-to-stock new stock opening stock ordinary stock participating preferred stock partly paid stock preferred stock rolling stock safety stock sleeper stock small stock tracking stock trading stock