[] () a gradual reduction in the rate of inflation in a country's economy, without increasing unemployment. This is done by such measures as restricting consumers' spending by raising interest rates, restricting credit agreements and introducing price controls on goods that are in short supply 反通货膨胀(通货膨胀率缓慢下降而失业率并不增加)◆We may have already moved beyond disinflation into a period of full-scale deflation. 我们也许已经走出了反通货膨胀,进入了全面的通货紧缩时期。◆the government's policy of disinflation 政府的反通货膨胀政策➡deflation , inflation , reflation at reflate ▸disinflationary /ˌdɪsɪnˈfleɪʃənri; NAmE-neri/