[] stack (sth) (up)to arrange objects neatly in a pile; to be arranged in this way 被放成整齐的一堆(或一摞)◆The boxes are stacked up in the warehouse. 那些箱子整齐地堆放在仓库里。◆These containers stack for easy transport. 这些集装箱堆放齐整以便运输。
[] to fill sth with piles of things 堆积;码放◆staff stacking shelves in the supermarket 码放货物的超市员工➡shelf-stacker
●ˌstack ˈupto keep increasing in quantity until there is large pile, a long line, etc. waiting to be dealt with 积聚成一大堆(或一长排等)◆The work stacks up when you are away for a few days. 你不在的这几天攒了一大堆工作。●ˌstack ˈup (against sb/sth) (used especially in questions or negative sentences 尤用於疑问句或否定句) to compare with sb/sth else 相比;比得上◆How does their latest model stack up against ours? 他们的最新款式与我们的相比如何?◆Let's test them both and see how they stack up. 让我们把两个都测试一下看看哪个更好。