() to steal small amounts of money frequently over a period of time (长期)盗取(小数额资金)◆She'd been skimming money from the store's accounts for years. 她多年来一直从商店的账上一点一点地窃取金钱。
() to illegally copy information that is stored electronically on a credit card in order to use it without the owner's permission 非法窃取(信用卡电子信息)◆I think my credit card was skimmed at a gas station. 我觉得我的信用卡信息是在加油站被盗的。
●skim the ˈmarket () to set the price for a new product high at first in order to make as much profit as possible and then lower it gradually to attract more customers, for example when other companies create competition 采用撇脂式定价法◆Some drug companies skim the market, so only the rich can afford to buy drugs. 某些制药公司采用撇脂式定价法,因此只有富人才能买得起药。 ●ˌskim sth/sb ˈoffto remove the most valuable part of sth for yourself, often in an unfair way 捞取(精华部分)◆Too many employers skim off profits while not paying their workers enough. 有太多的雇主都最大限度地攫取利润,仅向工人支付低额薪水。