() a decision about an increase in the amount of money sb earns 增加收入的决定◆The union is unhappy with this year's pay award. 工会对今年的提薪不满。
() in some countries, a written document that gives details of the conditions of employment in a company or an industry that are stated in law (某些国家法律规定的)就业协议◆Staff work under a number of awards and agreements that specify employment conditions. 员工按照规定就业条件的增薪条款和协议工作。
award wage
() the amount of money that a court decides should be given to sb who has won a case; the decision to give this money (赔偿)裁定金额;(赔偿)裁决◆The appeal court upheld the €100 000 damages award against the company. 上诉法院维持对这公司 10 万欧元损害赔偿金的判决。
(often in names of particular awards) a prize such as money, etc. for sth that sb has done (常用於奖项名称)奖金,奖品,奖,奖状