( be comˈprised of) to have sb/sth as parts or members; to consist of sb/sth 包括;包含;由…构成◆The Internet comprises more than 4 billion IP addresses. 互联网由 40 多亿个 IP 地址组成。◆The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors. 委员会由政府和私营部门双方代表组成。
to be the parts or members that form sth 是(某事物的)组成部分;构成;组成◆Overseas sales comprise 52% of our total sales. 海外销售额占我们销售总额的 52%。SYNmake up sth
ⓘ Although this verb is not used in the continuous tenses in some meanings, it is common to see the present participle form comprising. 尽管这动词的有些意义不用进行时,但是现在分词 comprising 也很常见。